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Crucial Role of Early Nocturnal Sleep to Boost Your Immune System

                                                    F rom very beginning, a question in your mind which is very necessary to understand is        "How Early Nocturnal Sleep Strengthens Your Immune System?"  If someone asks you, what's the necessity to have early nocturnal sleep? The simple answer is good night's sleep strengthens your immune system, it gives you the boosting power to improves the quality of your T cells of Immune system and it decreases the sympathetic activity and muscle tone which increased during awake period. Investigations of normal sleep-wake cycle proved that immune parameters especially undifferentiated naive T cells and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines exhibits peaks during early nocturnal sleep. On the other hand, role of day wakefulness is also very important which play a key role in peak activation of circulating immune cells of immediate effector functions like Cytotoxic-T cell, natural killer cells, as well as a

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